Sunday, December 27, 2009

Cream Puffs

This is the recipe that I use to make cram puffs and it's vla filling :

I baked them in 200 degree celcius oven for around 20mins.
Don't take them out unless you can no longer see bubbles in it.


I just found out that I did not remember the recipe I used to use to make tiramisu.
Today I made one using this recipe which resulted as good as I always remember ;)

- 1,5 cup of coffee, brewed in moka. About 3 times brewing using my moka size. Add 2 tsp of sugar once it's done.
I used decaf lavazza deka, the only coffee I have at home that I keep specially to make tiramisu xD
- 1/2 cup of sugar
- 4 egg yolks
- 500 gr mascarpone cheese
- 26 savoiardi (lady finger cookies), I found my pan can only hold perfectly this number of savoiardi in two layers :D

How to:
- Beat the egg yolks with hand mixer until it's quite thick
- Add sugar, continue beating until the sugar dissolved.
- Bring 1 huge pot of water into boil. Turn off the heat, put the mixing bowl on top of the pot, touching the water but not the pot itself, continue until it gets thicker and start to have small bubbles.
- Leave it for awhile to cool, add mascarpone
- Beat on low speed just for few seconds until the mascarpone is incorporated.

- Dip each of the savoiardi in the coffee (should be in room temperature by now), turning around once, not longer than 1 second for both.
- Arrange the savoiardi into the tiramisu pan making a layer.
- Spread the mascarpone+egg mixture on top of it, repeat.
- Sift chocolate powder on top of the finished topmost layer, cover the pan with cling wrap, leave it in the fridge for few hours before consuming it.

Chicken Pie

This is one of the food I specially make for J. He said the best one was the one he ate from a certain bakery back then in Medan when he was young.
I have tried several chicken pie recipes but I still have not yet found the one that J deemed alike to that glorious chicken pie in his childhood.

Today for our first anniversary (yay!) I finally made one which is quite acceptable to his taste it seems :D

Pie Crust:

I am following this recipe ingredients, doubled for this double crust chicken pie:
- 500 gr all purpose flour
- 250 gr butter, straight from the fridge
- 1 tsp of salt
- 10 tbsp of cold water

I found that my food processor could not really fully incorporate the water to the dough. The water contaminated flour parts were collected in the bottom instead. So, I can't simply rely on it to make this pie crust.
However, having it certainly beats having to cut manually all the butters into the flour the way I used to do it (I used to use two knives since I have no pastry knife).

So, this is how I did it:
- pour the flour + salt into the food processor, pulse it around 3 times, around 1 second each.
- cut the butter into small cubes and drop each cube into the flour one by one, making sure each is covered by flours.
- pulse the food processor 3-5 times, around 1 second each. As the result you should have sand-like flour texture.
- pour the flour in a bowl.
- wet your hands with cold water (it's especially easy now since on winter like this the cold water is really really cold.)
- add the cold water to the flour 1 tbsp at a time while kneading it with the tip of your fingers. Kneading isn't really an appropriate word here actually : make some pinching motions, press the flours to make them stick with each others, collect them all in one spot, turn them over when you can make them into 1 big ball.
- I didn't really want to over-knead it, so, once I got them into forming 1 big ball, I used cling-wrap to cover it, and put them in the freezer :D
It was a mistake though, I should have just put it in the fridge instead so I didn't have to thaw it later xP
- Leave them while you make the filling.

Chicken Pie Filling :
- 3 half chicken breasts, minced into small cubes, mix them with a bit of lemon + 1 tsp salt.
- 1 big onion, minced
- 6 garlics, crushed, minced
- 1 quite big leek, chopped
- thyme powder
- paprika powder
- chili powder
- 3 tsp salt
- 1/2 tsp sugar
- 2 tsp black pepper
- olive oil for sautee-ing
- 2 or 3 stick carrots, cut in julienne since I'm lazy :P
cutting them into small cubes would be much preferable.

How to:
- Heat a cooking pan, add the olive oil once it's hot. Add onion, wait until it's almost transparent, add garlic, wait a bit more, and add leeks.
- Add the chicken, add all the seasoning.
- Leave it while stirring it once in awhile until the chicken is half cooked.
- Add the carrots, cook until they all are done, rather dry, and has proportionate salt/sugar balance.

- Divide the pie crust dough into the bottom+side part and the top part.
- Roll the bottom+side part, and fit them in the pie pan.
My frozen dough didn't behave so well, so I just pressed them right into the pie pan instead :D
- Make some holes using forks, bake this bottom + side parts in the preheated 180 degree oven for 20mins.
- Pour the filling into the cooked pie crusts, cover them with the top part.
Make sure the top part covers all the side crust too.
- I generously sprinkled some parmigiano cheese on top of this, just because I love cheese :D
- Again, make some holes, and bake it for another 20mins.

The crumbly pie is now ready to be eaten =9

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Tres leches

I've been wanting to try this recipe after seeing the gorgeous pics in the original recipe.

And, yay, I finally did it today!

To match with my stocks in the fridge I used the following measurement for the tres leches mixture (also to reduce the sweetness):
3/4 cup condensed milk
1 1/4 cup evaporated milk (actually, I used 1 small can of evaporated milk and added full cream milk for the rest of it :P)
1/4 cup heavy cream

Pour all of those on top of the sponge cake! ;D

Aaand look at how this baby hold all the leches mixture well, including the whipped creams on top =9

And one slice of the tres leches cake, ready to eat! =D

Soft, rich, and creamy, yummm =9

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Dendeng Batokok

2 slice daging tipis/steak
2 siung bawang putih cincang
1/2 sdt merica bubuk
1/2 sdt ketumbar bubuk
1/4 sdt lengkuas bubuk
1/2 sdt garam
2 butir asam jawa, dilarutkan di sedikit air

1 paprika ukuran kecil, potong tipis2 kecil2
4 scalogno
5 cabe rawit
1 sdt air lemon
2 sdt garam
1 sdt gula

tumis bawang putih sebentar di pan, masukkan daging, balikkan sekali sehingga kedua sisi terkena bawang putih + minyak.
masukkan semua bumbu lain, tutup pan.
balik daging selang beberapa waktu, dan apabila air mulai habis tambahkan sedikit sedikit, sampai air habis dan daging empuk (ditekan dengan sendok kayu sudah hampir gampang lepas per serat)
tekan2 dengan mug/tokok
lumuri dengan sisa bumbu2 di pan, panggang di oven 200 derajat kurang lebih 10menit.

panaskan minyak di pan bekas tadi
masukkan paprika+cabe yg sudah sebelumnya diaduk2 dengan air lemon dan garam
panaskan sampai airnya menguap, tinggal minyak,
tambahkan gula
matikan api
masukkan bawang

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Otak otak

Dapet hibah daun pisang dari Galih, trus ga tau mo dipake untuk apa.
Jadi deh nyobain bikin otak-otak.

Resepnya pake resep ini.

Ikannya pake filletti di nasello yg pas lagi diskon.

Dibungkus dikit-dikit, dilipet aja ujungnya biar ngga lari-lari (dan karena ga punya lidi buat nusuk :D), trus dioven, 250 derajat, sampai daunnya gosong-gosong.

Rasanya tapi kurang sip, kebanyakan tapiokanya kayanya.
Ini karena ga punya timbangan nih, jadi dikira-kira deh berat tapiokanya pake cup :D

Udah gitu karena males, jadi sausnya pake sambel pecel aja dicairin.
Sama sekali ngga cocok ternyata :D

Akhirnya nasib otak-otak ini berakhir jadi isi pangsit pas makan-makan mi ayam bareng, hahaha.

Blueberry cheesecake

Pengennn banget makan ini, tapi bahannya selalu ada aja yg kurang.
Sekalinya kesampaian bikin, eh gosong atasnya xD
haduu, tapi tetep enak kok :D

Resepnya diambil dari sini

Konon cheesecake itu menurut pakemnya dari amerika harus pake Graham crackers untuk basenya. Berhubung ga ada disini, jadi diganti pake biskuit digestive aja. Karena belom yakin kalo merk itali biskuit apa yg cocok, jadi akhirnya pake yg merk inggris aja : McVities.

For the crust:
2 cups / 180 g chocolate graham cracker crumbs
1 stick / 4 oz butter, melted --> 113 grm
2 tablespoons / 24 g sugar
1 teaspoon. vanilla extract

For the cheesecake:
3 sticks of cream cheese, 8 oz each (total of 24 oz) room temperature -->

680.388555 grams, = 3 pak philadephia dikurangi 50 grm
1 cup / 210 g sugar
3 large eggs
1 cup / 8 oz heavy cream --> 226 grm
1 tablespoon of lemon juice
1 tablespoon of vanilla extract

For the raspberry swirl:

8 oz of raspberries, fresh or defrosted if frozen --> 226 grm

3 tablespoons of sugar

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (Gas Mark 4 = 180C = Moderate heat). Begin

to boil a large pot of water for the water bath.

2. Mix together the crust ingredients and press into your preferred pan.

You can press the crust just into the bottom, or up the sides of the pan

too - baker's choice. Set crust aside.

3. Combine cream cheese and sugar in the bowl of a stand-mixer (or in a

large bowl if using a hand-mixer) and cream together until smooth. Add

eggs, one at a time, fully incorporating each before adding the next. Make

sure to scrape down the bowl in between each egg. Add heavy cream, vanilla,

lemon juice, blend until smooth and creamy.

4. Pour batter into prepared crust and tap the pan on the counter a few

times to bring all air bubbles to the surface. Place pan into a larger pan

and pour boiling water into the larger pan until halfway up the side of the

cheesecake pan. If cheesecake pan is not airtight, cover bottom securely

with foil before adding water.

5. Bake 45 to 55 minutes, until it is almost done - this can be hard to

judge, but you're looking for the cake to hold together, but still have a

lot of jiggle to it in the center. You don't want it to be completely firm

at this stage. Close the oven door, turn the heat off, and let rest in the

cooling oven for one hour. This lets the cake finish cooking and cool down

gently enough so that it won't crack on the top. After one hour, remove

cheesecake from oven and lift carefully out of water bath. Let it finish

cooling on the counter, and then cover and put in the fridge to chill. Once

fully chilled, it is ready to serve.

To make it a raspberry swirl cheesecake:

Place raspberries in a food processor and blend it until all combined. Pass

it through a fine mesh and discard the seeds. Add sugar and mix well to

incorporate it. Use about 2/3 of the sauce on the batter and the rest as a

sauce to be served on the side.

Incorporate the sauce to the batter after pouring the batter into the pan.

The best way of doing this is by the tablespoon full, going around the cake

pan. After this is done, use a chopstick or a knife to swirl the sauce in

the cheesecake until it creates a nice pattern. Proceed with the recipe.

Warning :
- Adonannya ngga bakal benar-benar kental, masih tetap cair dan berciprat-
ciprat kemana-mana ketika dimixer hihihi
- Pake api bawah aja manggang di ovennnya, kalo ngga ntar atasnya tetep gosong walo cetakannya pendek

Cheesecake pacman

Tampak samping :D

Cake coklat + Ganache

Sempat browsing dan dapet resep cake ini yang sepertinya unik karena pake air dan ga pake baking powder atopun emulsifier kaya ovalet, tbm, dkk.
Dan ternyata sukses loh.
Berhubung khawatir bantat jadi ngocok telurnya dilamain, sampai sekitar 20 menit lah. Trus pas ngaduk butter+susunya harus semangat biar ngga misah.

180 gr telur utuh --> 3 telur ukuran medium
110 gula pasir halus --> 1/2 cup gula
30 ml air
125 gr tepung terigu + 15 gr coklat bubuk --> genapin 1 cup terigu + coklat bubuk
40 gr butter
25 ml susu cair

Cara membuat:
1. kocok telur dan gula hingga pucat dan kaku, masukkan air, aduk rata dg spatula.
2. Ayak tepung dan coklat bubuk di atas adonan, sambil diaduk rata.
3. Cairkan butter dan susu, setelah hangat campur ke dalam adonan telur.
4. Aduk rata. Panggang dg suhu 170 derajat selama 35 menit.
5. Hias sesuai selera

Berhubung dari dulu pengen ngerasain apa itu ganache, jadi nyobain bikin ganache buat kue ini.

150 ml heavy cream/whipped cream cair
150 grm coklat blok, potong-potong

campur dan panaskan dengan api kecil sambil diaduk-aduk sampai coklat meleleh, matikan api. Ambil beberapa sendok makan untuk mengoles cake supaya remah-remahnya menempel dan menutupi retak-retak dll. Lalu tuangkan ganache ke atas cake. Gunakan sendok/pisau untuk meratakan.

Sate Padang

Somehow tiba-tiba pengen sate padang.
Dari dulu males banget karena kayanya rusuh.
Akhirnya bikin aja pake cara sesat, ga pake ditusuk, ga pake dibakar arang hihihi.
Berhubung bahkan rasa sate padang yg asli pun udah ga inget, jadi perasaan enak-enak aja xP

1/2 kg daging sapi
1 lbr daun kunyit (--> diganti 6 lembar daun kari berhubung kecil-kecil)
2 cm lengkuas, memarkan --> 1 sdt lengkuas bubuk
4 lbr daun jeruk
1 batang serai
1,5 sdt garam
500 ml air
Minyak untuk menumis

50 gr/ 1/3 cup gram tepung beras, larutkan dengan sedikit air
1 sdt garam
tambahan air secukupnya

Bumbu Halus:
5 bh cabe rawit
1 sdm ketumbar bubuk
1/2 sdt lada
1 sdt jintan bubuk
5 bh bawang merah -> 2 scalogno
5 bwg putih
1 sdt kari bubuk
2 cm kunyit -> 1 sdt kunyit bubuk
2 cm jahe -> 1 sdt kunyit bubuk

Cara membuat:
Tumis semua bumbu sampai wangi, masukkan daging, tutup panci, ungkep sampai air daging habis.
Tambahkan air, rebus sampai daging empuk.
Sambil merebus potong tipis-tipis daging, ceburkan kembali.
Panaskan oven dengan api atas + ventilasi 200 derajat celcius.
Setelah semua terpotong kecil-kecil, angkat potongan-potongan daging, jajarkan di tray oven, panggang di posisi tray paling atas sampai cukup kering.
Tambahkan garam dan larutan tepung beras ke sisa rebusan daging. Tambahkan air sesuai kekentalan yg diinginkan.

waktu membuat: sejak mulai sampai makan kurang dari dua jam :D

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Daging giling batokok

Versi cepat dan (semoga) lebih sehat

kira2 125 grm daging giling + 2 wortel
1/2 sdt jahe bubuk
4 bawang putih
1 sdt ketumbar
1 sdt merica
1,5 sdt garam
2 asam jawa

paprika potong kecil2
cabe rawit 2
bwg merah 1:1 dengan paprika + cabe rawit
1 sdt lemon, 1 sdt gula

tumis semua bumbu, masukkan daging + wortel.
paprika, terakhir masukkan bawang yg sudah diiris + garam + lemon+ gula

Buttermilk Chicken

Ayam goreng bule

Kata Tizar, kalo bule bikin ayam goreng, beginilah jadinya. Ga ada rasa indonesianya katanya :D
Iya, sih, sampe dibela-belain beli thyme segala biar stay true ke resepnya, kalo tetep rasanya Indonesia kan jadi ngga balik modal :P
Tapi emang teuteup ada yg kurang buat gw. Emang kalo rasanya ga ada indonesia-indonesianya itu ga seru sepertinya :D

1/2 ayam, cuci bersih kemudian remas-remas dengan 1 sdt garam.
1 cup buttermilk -> 1 sdm lemon + susu sampai 1 cup(250ml), diamkan 5 menit. Susunya harus yg full cream, ga jadi kalo pake yg half-creamed (parzialmente scremato)
1 1/4 cup all purpose flour
3/4 sdm Lawry's salt ( 1/2 sdm garam + 1/2 sdt gula + 1/8 sdt paprika + 1/16 sdt kunyit + 3/16 sdt bubuk bawang putih)
1/2 sdt black pepper
1/2 sdt thyme
1/2 sdt paprika
1/4 sdt cayenne pepper
1/16 cup milk --> 1,5 sdm susu
minyak untuk menggoreng

Rendam ayam dalam buttermilk (minus 1,5 sdm buttermilk) semalaman di kulkas.
Sebelum menggoreng, keluarkan dari kulkas selama 30 menit.
Aduk tepung dan bumbu-bumbu.
Aduk 1,5 sdm buttermilk dan susu, tuang ke tepung.
Gunakan garpu untuk mengaduk-aduk tepung sampai bergumpal-gumpal.
Tekan-tekan ayam pada adonan tepung hingga menempel.
Panaskan minyak, goreng ayam selama beberapa menit sampai kulitnya sesuai kekuningan yg diinginkan.
Panaskan oven 180 derajat.
Taruh ayam yg sudah digoreng di rak kawat dengan alas dibawahnya untuk menampung tetesan minyak.
Setelah semua ayam selesai digoreng, oven ayam selama 10-15 menit sampai matang.

Hasil jadinya :

teuteuuup, ayam goreng bule dimakannya pake sambel + nasi xD

Sources :
Resep ayam koboi asli
Resep garam berasa

Tips menggoreng ayam :
- Api harus panas tapi tidak sampai berasap, jaga tetap stabil, test dengan sedikit tepung, kalo langsung berbuih-buih tapi tidak berasap, berarti sudah pas.

-Jangan menggoreng terlalu banyak dalam sekali goreng, suhu minyak jadi menurun, lalu minyaknya akhirnya jadi meresap ke gorengan.

-Goreng sebentar saja untuk mematangkan tepungnya, lalu selesaikan proses mematangkan daging di oven.

Rencana buat eksperimen berikutnya :
- Kayanya tadi agak terlalu lama menggorengnya, jadi tepungnya agak terlalu keras jadinya
- mungkin dikasih baking powder/baking soda ya biar tepungnya ga terlalu keras
- kayanya pengen dibalur bumbu pas dimarinate semalaman

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Here is our Eid'l Fitr menu for this year =D

In the picture :
- Rice cake (lontong)
Made from precious Papa Beans ricebags, brought from Swiss (reis in kochbeutel, not available in Italy :( ), generous donation from Mbak Irni, thank you so very much, mbak!
To make these rice cake, those ricebags were submersed in water for a whole night, boiled for 4 hours, then left to cool off for another whole night in the fridge. Whew, such a long process :D
- Lontong sayur medan (
- Sambal goreng kentang daging (
- Rendang and teri kacang made by Tizar's mom, our treasures which are kept in the fridge. Out only for special occasions :D

Kung Pao Chicken

Ini masakan favorit terbaru di rumah, ni. Gampang dan cepet (asal bahannya ada semua :D)
Source :

Tapi kalo yg kubikin sebelumnya, dan kata tizar sausnya lebih enak, bahannya dimodifikasi begini :

1/2 ayam(bertulang) potong kecil-kecil
2 sdm munjung maizena
2 sdm olive oil
3 sdm leek/porri cincang (karena pas ga ada daun bawang aja)
2 siung bawang putih, cincang
2 cabe agak rawit dr toko thai, potong kecil2
1/2 sdt jahe bubuk
2 sdm air jeruk
3 sdm kecap
2 sdm gula
kacang (kemaren pas ada kacang mede sachet ukuran 50 grm, dipake 3/4nya aja)

Cara buatnya sama persis dengan yg di resep :)

(picture courtesy of Galih)

Dobos Torte

I used this super long recipe

I made the butter cream one day ahead, chilled in the fridge. And still the whole process in the next day took 5 hours :D
I modified the chocolate butter cream recipe by using less sugar.
And, since the cake layers texture are dry, I used half cup of simple syrup to moisten each layer before covering them with cream.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Bubur sumsum

Super gampang dan enak deh buat buka puasa pas masih anget-anget gitu.
resep asli

Bubur Sumsum

Bahan bubur:
100 gr tepung beras (farina di riso) --> kira-kira 2/3 cup kurang sedikit atau 10 sdm peres
600 ml santan encer (200 ml santan kental instant + 400 ml air)
1 sdt garam

Cara membuat :
- Campur air dan santan kental di panci, jerang di kompor dengan api sedang, ayak tepung beras ke panci sambil diaduk-aduk / kocok dengan whisk sampai tercampur rata
- Masak sambil diaduk-aduk sampai kental, mendidih dan meletup-letup
- Dinginkan

Bahan kinca/juruh:
100 ml air
6 sdm gula palem/zucchero di canna
4 sdm gula pasir

Cara membuat:
- Campur semua bahan, panaskan hingga mendidih sambil sesekali diaduk-aduk
- Dinginkan

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Donat (gagal)

Pengen donat tapi maunya yg gampang, ga pake shortening (karena blom tau bahasa italinya apa, hehehe), dan bisa pake ragi segar (disini ketemunya yg halal cuma itu).
Ketemu resep ini.
Harusnya kayanya ni resep bagus, tapi berhubung rada asal bikinnya, butter+telornya tadi kelebihan, jadi terigunya harus nambah banyak :D

Bahan :
- 1 pak (0.6 oz) ragi segar, tunggu sampai suhu ruang
- 1/2 cup air hangat
- 1-1/2 sdm gula ( saya pakai sekitar 2 sdm agak munjung)
- 1/4 cup butter cair (saya pakai 50 gram butter padat dicairkan, tp ini kayanya kelebihan deh)
- 1/2 telur, kocok (kocok di gelas, tuang setengahnya aja, setengahnya lagi bisa didadar misalnya :D tapi karena saya error, tadi 1 telur dipake semua, hehehe)
- 1/4 sdt kayu manis bubuk
- 1/2 sdt vanila
- 1/2 sdt garam
- 1-1/4 cup terigu (tambahkan bila adonan masih lengket-lengket, saya pakai sekitar 2 cup + 4 sdm)

Cara membuat:
- Campurkan air hangat, gula, dan yeast yg dihancurkan, tunggu beberapa saat sampai terlihat gelembung-gelembung
- masukkan semua bahan, aduk-aduk sampai menjadi adonan yg tidak lengket, uleni 1 menit (disini tambahkan terigu sesuai kondisi adonan)
- tipiskan adonan (tidak usah pakai roller juga bisa) bentuk sesuai keinginan (saya pakai gelas untuk dapat bentuk bulat), pindahkan ke kertas oven.
- biarkan mengembang sekitar 1 jam
- goreng, biarkan dingin, beri whipped cream/butter/meisjes/ atau topping lain sesuai selera

Lumpia tuna rebung

Lagi pengen lumpia tapi cuma punya tuna sama rebung buat isiannya, jadi deh bikin lumpia seadanya pake resep dimodifikasi dari sini.

Bahan :
- 3x80 gram tuna kaleng( pilih yg direndam olive oil untuk yg lebih enak)
- 400 gram rebung (beli yg sudah diiris di toko thailand)
- 6 siung bawang putih
- 1/2 bawang bombay ukuran sedang
- 3 sdm kecap manis (saya pakai kecap manis cina)
- 3 sdm saus tiram
- 1-1/2 sdt merica
- 1 sdt garam
- 2 sdt gula jawa diiris2 halus
- 2 telur
- 1 sdt cairan jeruk nipis/lemon
- kulit lumpia (beli yg ukuran besar di toko thailand, terpakai sekitar 23 lembar, dibagi 4)
- olive oil untuk menumis

Cara membuat:
- Panaskan olive oil, tumis bawang bombay dan bawang putih sampai wangi
- masukkan tuna, tambahkan jeruk nipis/lemon, aduk-aduk sesekali sampai tuna agak kecoklatan
- masukkan rebung, kecap manis, saus tiram, merica, garam, gula jawa, aduk-aduk rata, masak sampai agak kering.
- masukkan telur yg dikocok dengan sedikit garam dan merica (sisakan sedikit untuk merekatkan kulit lumpia), masak dengan api besar sampai telur matang, angkat.
- Bungkus dengan kulit lumpia, rekatkan dengan sisa telur. (Karena kita buatnya ukuran imut-imut, jadi sekitar 90an :D)
- Goreng atau simpan di freezer (lapisi dengan kertas roti bila menumpuk lumpia dalam kotak penyimpanan supaya mudah diambil secukupnya setiap saat)

Käse brötchen

Ini makanan yg lumayan berkesan ni dulu di Jerman. Roti biasa aja sih, standar jerman, keras di luar, di dalemnya empuk, ga ada isinya, tapi di atasnya full keju ampe ke bawah2 gitu. Kangen, deh. Disini ngga ada.

Biasanya saya menghindari bikin roti-rotian, karena males ngulenin dan nunggu ngembang. Tapi berhubung lagi libur panjang, dicobain deh akhirnya bikin, dan ternyata gampang loh.

Kemaren nyoba resep dari sini. Tapi hasilnya kurang memuaskan (faktor orang sih kayanya hehehe), jadi laen kali mo nyoba resep ini yg ntar kutulis dibawah juga.

Käse brötchen resep dapoer iboe

Bahan :
- 600 gram tepung terigu all purpose (DE: 405, IT: 00)
- 1 paket ragi (8 gram ragi kering, saya pakai penggantinya 0.6 oz ragi segar, keluarkan dari kulkas tunggu sampai mencapai suhu ruang)
- 150 ml susu cair + 150 ml air, hangatkan (jangan sampai mendidih, nanti raginya mati)
- 50 ml minyak (kemaren pake sun flower oil)
- 1 sdt garam
- keju gouda lembaran untuk topping (disini susah cari gouda, kemaren pake edameer kemasan slices 140 grm isi 9, tp ga terlalu sukses, terlalu cair pas dioven)

Cara membuat:
Campur tepung dan garam (kalo saya masukinnya sambil diayak), hancur-hancurkan ragi segar, campurkan ke tepung.
Tambahkan air+susu sedikit-sedikit sambil diuleni, tambahkan minyak. Uleni sampai kalis.
Diamkan adonan sampai mengembang 2 kali lipat (saya tandai pinggir panci dengan tepung untuk ketinggian 2 kali adonan biar bisa ketauan)
Bagi menjadi 8, bulatkan agak gepeng (kemaren beberapa saya isi keju, tapi gagal karena mencair dan kurang signifikan banyaknya hehehe), taruh di kertas oven.
Panaskan di oven dengan suhu 200 derajat selama 25 menit. Setelah menit 15 taruh lembaran keju di atas masing-masing roti.

Hasil praktek roti ini kemaren kurang sukses karena kayanya kurang ngembang adonannya. Di luarnya agak terlalu keras, di dalemnya empuk tapi tidak seempuk yang diharapkan. Mungkin kemaren kesalahannya karena raginya masih dingin dari kulkas langsung dipakai (ga sabaran sih hehehe) dan kurang lama waktu menguleni adonan. Kemaren cuma diuleni sebentar karena adonannya sudah ngga nempel dengan panci (kalis = ngga nempel2, kan, ya?) jadi langsung disudahkan. Padahal adonannya belum mulus-mulus amat. Laen kali harus lebih semangat nguleninya kayanya :D

Untuk laen kali, saya mau coba resep di bawah ini aja, dapet dari forum jerman. Rata-rata komen yg udah nyoba pada bilang enak dan perbandingan terigu dan cairan di resep ini lebih besar, jadi harusnya lebih empuk.

Käse brötchen resep chefkoch
Bahan :
375 gram tepung terigu
1 pak ragi kering (/0.6 oz ragi segar)
1 sdt garam
1 sdt gula
1 cup air
150 gram + 50 gram keju gouda, diparut kasar
1 kuning telur + 1 sdm susu untuk olesan

Cara membuat :

Campur ragi, tepung terigu, gula, garam, air dan 150 gram keju.
Bentuk roti kecil-kecil, taruh di atas kertas oven.
Oles roti dengan kuning telur + susu, taburi sisa keju. Diamkan selama 30 menit.
Panggang dengan suhu 200 derajat selama 20 menit.

Käsebrötchen versi lite :
1 cup air, hangatkan
3 cup terigu
1 block ragi segar (0.6 oz) suhu ruangan
1 sdt garam
1 sdm gula
4 lembar keju singles (disini pakai kraft sotillette) untuk isian
2 lembar keju singles potong kecil-kecil untuk campuran roti (kayanya bisa dihilangkan)
8 lembar keju gouda untuk topping
1 kuning telur + 1 sdm susu untuk olesan, kocok

- Campur air hangat, gula dan 1 sdm terigu, hancur-hancurkan ragi segar. Diamkan beberapa saat sampai terlihat buih-buih.
- Ayak terigu ke dalam larutan sambil diaduk-aduk.
- Uleni sampai kalis ( tadi butuh waktu sekitar 1/2 jam mengaduk-aduk, dan 1/2 jam menguleni). Di tengah-tengah menguleni masukkan potongan kecil keju, kemudian setelah mulai agak kalis, taburkan garam ke adonan untuk kemudian diuleni lagi.
- Bagi adonan menjadi 8 bagian, isi 1/2 lembar keju singles di tengah masing-masing adonan. Bulatkan agak gepeng, tempatkan di rak oven yang dialasi kertas oven (beri jarak antara roti)
- Oleskan campuran kuning telur dan susu ke masing-masing adonan roti. Diamkan 30 menit sambil panaskan oven 180 derajat.
- Panggang adonan selama 15 menit, keluarkan, taruh selembar keju gouda di atas tiap roti, panggang lagi selama 5 menit.
- Dinginkan di atas rak kawat agar bagian bawahnya tidak basah.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Arancini, Indonesian style

This is a kind of snack typical Sicilian. Literally the name arancini means small oranges. It's essentially rice ball covered in bread crumbs then fried. The resulting orange colour of its skin from the bread crumbs and its shape inspired the naming.

Honestly though, I made it since I had plenty of wrongly cooked rice.
I used italian rice, and due to some accidents in the making, the result was slightly undercooked, firmly packed rice that did not even qualify for fried rice ingredient. It was so plenty that on Tuesday I still have half pot of this rice on my fridge even though it was made on Saturday night.

So I browsed through recipes and stumbled upon this indonesian recipe of rice croquette. It fitted very well since I had withering carrots and string beans in my fridge. But this poor student of course did not have 20 quail eggs required :(
yet, I did have some left over sambal goreng daging kentang :D
Added the fact that my rice left over are of risotto type and far too much than that 300gr required in this recipe (wait, actually i have no idea how much is 300gr rice), I decided to make a fusion instead of this recipe and arancini recipe. Arancini with sambal goreng filling. Isn't that so Indonesian? :p

Ingredients :

A handful of bean strings (fagiolini/buncis), cut into thin slices, like 0.5 mm thin :p
2 carrots, grated
1 cup water + milk (turned out I only had few drops of milk left on fridge T_T)
2 tsp garlic powder
2 tbsp heaped flour
2 tbsp butter
half pot cooked rice
salt and pepper

for filling: sambal goreng daging, turns out I only have half plate of this left though. So I use mozzarella cut into thick sticks to fill the rest of the arancini.

1 egg, beat with a bit salt
bread flour (pane grattugiato/tepung panir)

- Heat half of the butter, add bean strings and carrots. Add 1 tsp garlic powder, salt and pepper and let it cook for few minutes, put them aside in the pot.
- Melt the rest of the butter in the empty side of the pot. Add flour, stir this dough until the flour fully absorb the butter and cooked.
- Pour milk/water gradually and mix it until you get a smooth white sauce with carrot and beans in it. Add the rice, add garlic powder, salt and pepper, stir until you get some risotto like consistency (Depending on the state of the rice, you may need less than 1 cup of water)
- prepare the bread crumbs, the beaten egg, the filling, a plate to put your rice ball before crumbing it, and a food storing box to put the result (Whew, quite a pile that you will have to wash later x_x)
- wet your hand so the rice wont stick on you, take a small portion of rice into your left hand, flatten it, put some filling on it, put another portion of rice on top of it, then make it into a small ball. (You might want to wait for the rice to cool a bit though before doing this, unlike impatient me :D)
- Continue making these balls until your rice dough is finished. You may have to repeat washing your hands few times in the process once they get sticky from the rice. If you are patient you can then wait a bit more until these balls cooled off more to get sturdier forms for crumbing.
- roll them on the egg, then on the brad crumbs. Store them in the freezer for minimum 1 hour.
- Fry them until you get that orange colour, or for healthier option, bake them.

Yummm ;9

You're looking at my dinner, and breakfast, and lunch, and yet another dinner. lol!

Resep bahasa indonesia
Arancini (jeruk kecil) isi sambal goreng daging kentang

segenggam buncis, dipotong kecil-kecil
2 wortel pendek, diparut/serut
250 ml air/susu (banyaknya disesuaikan kebutuhan nasi)
2 sdt bawang putih bubuk
2 sdm munjung tepung terigu
2 sdm mentega
nasi 1/2 tempat rice cooker, untuk arancini sebaiknya dari beras itali yg untuk risotto (bentuknya gendut pendek, cenderung lebih keras daripada beras thailand)
garam dan merica secukupnya

Sambal goreng daging kentang.
Umumnya disini arancini diisi daging/keju. Sebagian saya isi mozzarella yg dipotong batang gendut :D

1 telur, dikocok dengan sedikit garam
tepung panir/roti

Cara membuat:

- Tumis wortel dan buncis dengan mentega, bumbui dengan 1 sdt bubuk bawang putih, garam merica. Biarkan sebentar lalu sisihkan ke satu sisi panci
- panaskan sisa mentega di sisi lainnya, masukkan tepung terigu, aduk-aduk sampai terigunya matang
- masukkan air sedikit demi sedikit sambil diaduk-aduk sampai terbentuk semacam saus licin. Masukkan nasi, tambahkan sisa bubuk bawang putih, garam merica, aduk-aduk sampai terbentuk adonan seperti risotto (nasi basah-basah, creamy)
- siapkan tepung panir/roti, kocokan telur, isi, piring untuk menaruh bola bola nasi dan kotak penyimpanan makanan
- ketika nasi sudah agak dingin, ambil segenggam kecil nasi, tipiskan di tangan kiri, taruh isi di atasnya, tutup dengan segenggem kecil nasi lagi, bentuk jadi bola. Ulangi untuk seluruh nasi
- gulingkan di telur, kemudian di tepung panir/roti
- simpan di freezer minimal 1 jam
- Goreng atau bisa juga dipanggang selama 20 menit dengan suhu 175 derajat