Sunday, October 4, 2009


Here is our Eid'l Fitr menu for this year =D

In the picture :
- Rice cake (lontong)
Made from precious Papa Beans ricebags, brought from Swiss (reis in kochbeutel, not available in Italy :( ), generous donation from Mbak Irni, thank you so very much, mbak!
To make these rice cake, those ricebags were submersed in water for a whole night, boiled for 4 hours, then left to cool off for another whole night in the fridge. Whew, such a long process :D
- Lontong sayur medan (
- Sambal goreng kentang daging (
- Rendang and teri kacang made by Tizar's mom, our treasures which are kept in the fridge. Out only for special occasions :D

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