Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Apple pie / strudel

You need :
- 1 package of blatterteig/pasta sfoglia/ puff pastry
- 3 apples (I used red royal gala apples), peeled, cored, cut into small pieces
- 2 spoons of honey
- quite much shakes of cinnamon powder bottle :D
Then :
Pour the honey and cinnamon on to the apple slices, leave it while u roll the crust. You may wish to add some water to dillute the honey so it can be distributed quite evenly on the apple slices.
Preheat the oven (I set it on around 180 degree celcius, with lower and upper fire and fan).
Roll the blatterteig/pasta sfoglia/ puff pastry into quite a thin leaf, put the apple slices in the middle, fold the crust.
Bake it in the oven for around 45 mins.
Done ;D

I forgot to take a picture though >.>
it was looking lovely nevertheless, trust me :D

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