Dapet resep cheesecake peach dari milis NCC yg tampaknya gampang :D
Mengingat ada stok philadelphia pas sale bulan lalu, dan merayakan lebaran ketupat hehehe, maka dibuatlah cheesecake yg jadi mirip pie ini secara ekspress mengejar waktu buka puasa =D
Kulit pie:
75 gr butter
1 kuning telur
150 gr terigu -> 1 cup + 1 sdm
Gula tepung 25 gr -> 1 sdm, jangan diskip!! Kemaren kuskip karena mo mengurangi konsumsi gula dan biar gurih, hasilnya: kata J kok asin banget ni dessertnya xP
Garam 1/2 sdt
Uleni hingga menyatu --> masukkan semua di food processor, proses sampai jadi adonan
cetak di cetakan pie diameter 22, tusuk2 dgn
Oven 20 menit ½ matang. --> Karena butuh cepet, dioven 200 derajat celcius sambil bikin adonan isinya aja, timingnya ntar pas, langsung keluarin, langsung diisi dan masukin lagi
Dinginkan --> ga pake, versi kilat :D
Bahan isi:
Cream cheese 375 gr --> 250 grm, sesuai stok di dapur
Telur 75 gr --> 1 btr
Parutan kulit lemon 1 sdt --> ga pake
Air lemon 1 sdm --> 2/3 sdm
Terigu 1 ½ sdm --> 1 sdm
Krim 75 gr --> 50 sdm
Gula pasir halus 100 gr -> 75 grm --> 1/2 cup
Kocok rata semua bahan --> cepet banget, 5 menitan ga ada kali
Tuang ke dlm kulit pie, --> kemaren pas ada sisa strawberry beku, dithaw sebentar, potong-potong ukuran besar, taruh di sekeliling pie
panggang kembali kurleb 45 menit api 150 derajat celcius.
Dinginkan , hias dgn peach dan taburi roasted almond --> kemaren cuma dipanggang sekitar 15-20menit sudah agak set adonannya. Keluarkan, taburi almond, panggang lagi 10 menitan dengan suhu 170 derajat celcius sampai kecoklatan almondnya
Langsung dimakan panas-panas ok juga kok ;D
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Terang bulan / martabak manis
Bahan kulit :
(catatan saya untuk 1/2 resep ini dalam takaran cup)
500 gram tepung terigu protein sedang -> 1-3/4 cup
1 sdt baking powder -> 1/2 sdt
150 gram gula pasir --> 1/3 cup
2 butir telor,kocok lepas -> 1 telur
1/4 sdt vanili bubuk
1/2 sdt garam -> 1/4
650 ml air -> 1-1/3 cup air
Bahan Taburan Per Loyang:
1 sdm gula pasir (1/2 sdm aja)
1 sdm margarin
meises/kacang sangrai cincang/wijen sangrai/keju parut --> : warning! jangan pake keju edam/gouda, nanti jadi rasa pecel :D Kalo di itali yg paling aman pake keju kraft singles aja
Cara Membuat :
Ayak tepung terigu dan baking powder. Masukkan gula pasir. Aduk rata.
Tambahkan telur,vanili bubuk dan garam.Aduk rata
Tuang air sedikit-sedikit sambil dikocok dengan kecepatan rendah sampai lembut.Diamkan 1 jam --> sering ga sempet, ditinggal sambil nyiap2in bahan laen aja
Timbang 300gram.Tambahkan 1/4 sdt baking powder.Aduk rata. --> kira-kira 1 sendok sayur, kurang lebih 1 cup, masukin di cup, tambahkan baking powdernya
Tuang di cetakan martabak manis yang sudah dipanaskan dengan api sedang 15 menit. --> ga pernah ampe 15menit sih, sayang gas :D asal keliatan panassss, apalagi dah berasap, dah bener deh :D
Biarkan berbusa.Kecilkan api.
Tabur gula pasir dan biarkan sampai berlubang. Tutup.
Biarkan sampai matang,angkat
Olesi martabak dengan margarin,taburi topping yang diinginkan ( kalau saya,setelah menaburi keju,lalu diberi susu kental manis)
sichuan chicken / ayam schezuan
ESTime: 40 minutes
4 chicken leg quarters (legs and thighs) --> 1/2 kg ayam
20 to 40 whole dried red chilies --> pake sekitar 20 kecil kecil banget, ga pedes, kecuali kemakan cabe ini :D
1 red bell pepper, seeded and finely chopped
1 tablespoon chopped garlic
2 tablespoons dry sherry --> ganti air lemon dikit aja
1/2 cup chicken stock --> ga pake, ganti aer aja
2 tablespoons soy sauce. --> soy sauce mereka asin, jadi kalo pake kecap manis tambahin garem dikit
1. Skin chicken, and cut skin into 1/2-inch pieces; set aside. Bone chicken, and cut meat into 1/2-inch pieces; set aside separately. --> kemaren ga pake minyak ayam dari kulit ayam ini, ganti pake olive oil aja, skip ke step 3
2. Turn heat under a wok or 10-inch skillet to medium-high and add chicken skin. Cook, stirring occasionally and adjusting heat so skin browns but does not burn, about 10 minutes. Sprinkle with salt, and remove to a bowl, using a slotted spoon.
3. Add chilies and cook, stirring occasionally, until they puff and darken, 3 or 4 minutes. Remove with a slotted spoon to a separate bowl. --> ati ati gosong tapi, ntar jadi ada paitnya
Add bell pepper and a pinch of salt and cook, stirring occasionally, until it browns, about 5 minutes. Remove and combine with chilies. Add as much chicken meat as will fit in one layer, and cook until browned on one side; season with salt. Stir and cook until browned; remove and repeat with remaining chicken.
4. Add garlic, followed by chicken, peppers and skin. Stir to combine, then add sherry, stock and soy sauce. Cook until mixture is saucy, about 3 minutes, then serve with white rice. Chilies should not be eaten.Yield: 4 servings.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
tres leches revisited
general tso's chicken
1 lb chicken thigh, boned and cubed --> 1/2 ayam super gede, kira-kira 1 kg, potong kecil sebisanya, tetap pake tulangnya aja
3 eggs, beaten
1/2 cup cornstarch, plus 2 teaspoons cornstarch
5 dried chili pods --> ga punya dried chili, jadi pake 5 cabe thailand hijau yang ada aja
1 1/2 tablespoons rice vinegar --> 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar
2 tablespoons rice wine --> 1 tbsp lemon
3 tablespoons sugar --> 5 tbsp sugar
3 tablespoons soy sauce --> 6 tbsp sweet soy sauce
Change Measurements: US | Metric
Prep Time: 20 mins
Total Time: 40 mins
1 In a large bowl, thoroughly blend the 1/2 cup of cornstarch and the eggs; add the chicken and toss to coat.
2 If the mixture is too thick, add some vegetable oil to separate the pieces.
3 In a small bowl, prepare the sauce mixture by combining the 2 tsp cornstarch with the wine, vinegar, sugar and soy sauce.
4 First-Stage Frying: Heat 1-2 inches of peanut oil in a wok to medium-high heat (350-400).
5 Fry the chicken in small batches, just long enough to cook the chicken through.
6 Remove the chicken to absorbent paper and allow to stand (this step can be performed well in advance, along with the sauce mixture, with both refrigerated).
7 Second-Stage Frying: Leave a tablespoon or two of the oil in the wok.
8 Add the pepper pods to the oil and stir-fry briefly, awakening the aroma but not burning them.
9 Return the chicken to the wok and stir-fry until the pieces are crispy brown.
10 The General's Favorite Sauce: Add the sauce-mixture to the wok, tossing over the heat until the sauce caramelizes into a glaze (1-2 minutes).
11 Serve immediately.
12 Serves 4, along with steamed broccoli and rice.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
J's bday 2011
J's birthday feast this year features the following menu :
Chicken pie!
The pie crust was made from the night previously, and the filling was cooked concurrently while I was baking the cake. As always the timing just never went as planned so that this pie was then consumed as a late breakfast rather than an early breakfast treat as planned :D
The pie also served as the lunch too, as the cake was proven taking too long and too much effort to put together. And resulting in some horrendous looking monster wandering in such a wasteland lol
Luckily the dinner wasn't that hard to put together :
Now, that I think of it, the menu was exactly the same as last year's birthday menu @_@
I guess I better get creative with the menu next year xP
Chicken pie!
The pie crust was made from the night previously, and the filling was cooked concurrently while I was baking the cake. As always the timing just never went as planned so that this pie was then consumed as a late breakfast rather than an early breakfast treat as planned :D
The pie also served as the lunch too, as the cake was proven taking too long and too much effort to put together. And resulting in some horrendous looking monster wandering in such a wasteland lol
Luckily the dinner wasn't that hard to put together :
Now, that I think of it, the menu was exactly the same as last year's birthday menu @_@
I guess I better get creative with the menu next year xP
Minecraft birthday cake! (wannabe)
Once upon a time, the story has it, that a birthday boy is in craze of a game called minecraft.
Thus, his loving wife then ventured to do her first ever cake designing mission: to create a minecraft world cake =D
The game world layout was then surveyed, sketches been made, actual pencil-ruler graph design of the cake layers were drawn.
The cake of choice was dobos torte, the birthday boy's favorite cake. The amateur baker thought that was perfect as each cake layer could represent the minecraft map different layer.
And so the quest began...
The original design of the round dobos torte was modified into 20 x 20 cm rectangle layers.
And then one by one the layers were cut according to the laid out plan :
The base and the second layer :
The third layer :
The jig-saw-like-topmost layer:
And finally all those layers put together :
Looks like a quite promising terrain map right? =D
But, then began the turn-out-to-be-not-so-piece-of-cake task of frosting them all :
And after putting together the topmost layer partially (and randomly) covered in caramels...
and adding a thing that's supposed to be J'sminecraft character... (which now that I think of it looks kinda like a mummy with the layers xP)
but waittt, J's minecraft world has a tall tower for animals to spawn and fall down to earth later (don't ask me, it's his world design)
And of course making the tower and the character from piling thin cake layers one after another wasn't really a good idea as shown in this picture of almost falling tower :D
The tower goes down just some milliseconds after this picture is taken, and the character had the exact same fate too :D
We happily ate them all of course =9
The cake was yummy as always, but it was then concluded that we'll just stick to the original dobos torte design next time to maximize the layers of cake we'd eat in each portion :P
And so this story is concluded with my utmost kudos to all the bakers out there who successfully bake and decorate their cake resulting in utmost beauty unlike my own first (and only ever?) design cake.
I'd never underestimate your work again!
Thus, his loving wife then ventured to do her first ever cake designing mission: to create a minecraft world cake =D
The game world layout was then surveyed, sketches been made, actual pencil-ruler graph design of the cake layers were drawn.
The cake of choice was dobos torte, the birthday boy's favorite cake. The amateur baker thought that was perfect as each cake layer could represent the minecraft map different layer.
And so the quest began...
The original design of the round dobos torte was modified into 20 x 20 cm rectangle layers.
And then one by one the layers were cut according to the laid out plan :
The base and the second layer :
The third layer :
The jig-saw-like-topmost layer:
And finally all those layers put together :
Looks like a quite promising terrain map right? =D
But, then began the turn-out-to-be-not-so-piece-of-cake task of frosting them all :
And after putting together the topmost layer partially (and randomly) covered in caramels...
and adding a thing that's supposed to be J'sminecraft character... (which now that I think of it looks kinda like a mummy with the layers xP)
but waittt, J's minecraft world has a tall tower for animals to spawn and fall down to earth later (don't ask me, it's his world design)
And of course making the tower and the character from piling thin cake layers one after another wasn't really a good idea as shown in this picture of almost falling tower :D
The tower goes down just some milliseconds after this picture is taken, and the character had the exact same fate too :D
We happily ate them all of course =9
The cake was yummy as always, but it was then concluded that we'll just stick to the original dobos torte design next time to maximize the layers of cake we'd eat in each portion :P
And so this story is concluded with my utmost kudos to all the bakers out there who successfully bake and decorate their cake resulting in utmost beauty unlike my own first (and only ever?) design cake.
I'd never underestimate your work again!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Roti tawar whole-wheat
Bahan :
2.5 cup tepung serbaguna
1.5 cup tepung whole wheat
1.5 tbsp gula
1.5 tsp garam
1/2 cake yeast (1/2 pak ragi)
30 grm butter
1.25 cup susu + 1.5 sdm air.
hangatkan susu + air, campurkan 1 sdm gula dan yeast, tunggu sampai berbusa-busa
campur di baskom : tepung-tepung + gula + garam, hancur-hancurkan mentega dengan tangan ke terigu.
tuangkan campuran yeast ke terigu, aduk sampai membentuk adonan (tambahkan 1.5 sdm air lagi atau lebih sampai semua terigu tercampur ke adonan)
Uleni dengan cara pemalas :D (tutup dan tinggal 10 menit, uleni 10 detik, ulangi 2 kali lagi, lalu ditinggal sampai mengembang menjadi dua kali)
tinju adonan sampai kempes, bagi dua, masukkan setengah ke freezer karena untuk porsi berdua untuk sehari setengah adonan cukup :D
gilas 1/2 adonan sisa membentuk kotak selebar cetakan yang akan dipakai. Gulung searah panjang adonan, taruh di cetakan. Tinggal semalaman di kulkas/ tunggu sampai mengembang dua kali lagi.
Panaskan oven 150 derajat, panggang 15-30 menit sampai permukaan atas coklat banget dan permukaan bawah diketok terdengar kosong.
recipe source
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