Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Brownies kukus

In the celebration of having a new itty bitty steamer from Indonesia, I've been baking (or steaming?) some cakes from the long saved recipes I've been lemming on.
Brownies kukus is one of them!

Due to the steamer size, and also to the actual number of people who's eating it (1.5, J is counted as 0.5 when it comes to cake stuffs) I only made 1/3 of the actual recipe. It yields 1 small pan of cake, and 6 cupcakes of this steamed brownies.

Bahan A:
4 btr telur
150 grm (1/2 cup, boleh dilebihin) gula pasir
7 grm -> 1.5 sdt emulsifier
1 sdt garam

Bahan B:
25 grm -> 5 sdm coklat bubuk
100 grm -> 3/4 cup -> 10 sdm tepung terigu
1/3 sdt vanilli

Bahan C, melt :
100 gr mentega/margarine
66,7 gr dark cooking chocolate
1 sdm pasta coklat black forest -->none

Bahan filling :
60 grm coklat meisyes

Cara membuat:

Kocok bahan A sampai kental,
masukkan bahan B sambil diayak, aduk balik.
Tuang bahan C, aduk hingga rata benar.

Tuang satu bagian adonan kedalam loyang, kukus selama lk. 10 menit.
Buka kukusan, taburi 1/2 bagian mesis, tuang lagi satu bagian adonan, kukus lagi.
Lakukan sampai adonan habis.

Verdicts :
I think I skimped too much on the sugar and the rice chocolates. The result was not too sweet.
And maybe I did steam it a bit too long, so the result wasn't as moist as I imagined.

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