This is a kind of snack typical Sicilian. Literally the name arancini means small oranges. It's essentially rice ball covered in bread crumbs then fried. The resulting orange colour of its skin from the bread crumbs and its shape inspired the naming.
Honestly though, I made it since I had plenty of wrongly cooked rice.
I used italian rice, and due to some accidents in the making, the result was slightly undercooked, firmly packed rice that did not even qualify for fried rice ingredient. It was so plenty that on Tuesday I still have half pot of this rice on my fridge even though it was made on Saturday night.
So I browsed through recipes and stumbled upon this indonesian recipe of rice croquette. It fitted very well since I had withering carrots and string beans in my fridge. But this poor student of course did not have 20 quail eggs required :(
yet, I did have some left over sambal goreng daging kentang :D
Added the fact that my rice left over are of risotto type and far too much than that 300gr required in this recipe (wait, actually i have no idea how much is 300gr rice), I decided to make a fusion instead of this recipe and arancini recipe. Arancini with sambal goreng filling. Isn't that so Indonesian? :p
Ingredients :
A handful of bean strings (fagiolini/buncis), cut into thin slices, like 0.5 mm thin :p
2 carrots, grated
1 cup water + milk (turned out I only had few drops of milk left on fridge T_T)
2 tsp garlic powder
2 tbsp heaped flour
2 tbsp butter
half pot cooked rice
salt and pepper
for filling: sambal goreng daging, turns out I only have half plate of this left though. So I use mozzarella cut into thick sticks to fill the rest of the arancini.
1 egg, beat with a bit salt
bread flour (pane grattugiato/tepung panir)
- Heat half of the butter, add bean strings and carrots. Add 1 tsp garlic powder, salt and pepper and let it cook for few minutes, put them aside in the pot.
- Melt the rest of the butter in the empty side of the pot. Add flour, stir this dough until the flour fully absorb the butter and cooked.
- Pour milk/water gradually and mix it until you get a smooth white sauce with carrot and beans in it. Add the rice, add garlic powder, salt and pepper, stir until you get some risotto like consistency (Depending on the state of the rice, you may need less than 1 cup of water)
- prepare the bread crumbs, the beaten egg, the filling, a plate to put your rice ball before crumbing it, and a food storing box to put the result (Whew, quite a pile that you will have to wash later x_x)
- wet your hand so the rice wont stick on you, take a small portion of rice into your left hand, flatten it, put some filling on it, put another portion of rice on top of it, then make it into a small ball. (You might want to wait for the rice to cool a bit though before doing this, unlike impatient me :D)
- Continue making these balls until your rice dough is finished. You may have to repeat washing your hands few times in the process once they get sticky from the rice. If you are patient you can then wait a bit more until these balls cooled off more to get sturdier forms for crumbing.
- roll them on the egg, then on the brad crumbs. Store them in the freezer for minimum 1 hour.
- Fry them until you get that orange colour, or for healthier option, bake them.
Yummm ;9
You're looking at my dinner, and breakfast, and lunch, and yet another dinner. lol!
Resep bahasa indonesia
Arancini (jeruk kecil) isi sambal goreng daging kentang
segenggam buncis, dipotong kecil-kecil
2 wortel pendek, diparut/serut
250 ml air/susu (banyaknya disesuaikan kebutuhan nasi)
2 sdt bawang putih bubuk
2 sdm munjung tepung terigu
2 sdm mentega
nasi 1/2 tempat rice cooker, untuk arancini sebaiknya dari beras itali yg untuk risotto (bentuknya gendut pendek, cenderung lebih keras daripada beras thailand)
garam dan merica secukupnya
Sambal goreng daging kentang.
Umumnya disini arancini diisi daging/keju. Sebagian saya isi mozzarella yg dipotong batang gendut :D
1 telur, dikocok dengan sedikit garam
tepung panir/roti
Cara membuat:
- Tumis wortel dan buncis dengan mentega, bumbui dengan 1 sdt bubuk bawang putih, garam merica. Biarkan sebentar lalu sisihkan ke satu sisi panci
- panaskan sisa mentega di sisi lainnya, masukkan tepung terigu, aduk-aduk sampai terigunya matang
- masukkan air sedikit demi sedikit sambil diaduk-aduk sampai terbentuk semacam saus licin. Masukkan nasi, tambahkan sisa bubuk bawang putih, garam merica, aduk-aduk sampai terbentuk adonan seperti risotto (nasi basah-basah, creamy)
- siapkan tepung panir/roti, kocokan telur, isi, piring untuk menaruh bola bola nasi dan kotak penyimpanan makanan
- ketika nasi sudah agak dingin, ambil segenggam kecil nasi, tipiskan di tangan kiri, taruh isi di atasnya, tutup dengan segenggem kecil nasi lagi, bentuk jadi bola. Ulangi untuk seluruh nasi
- gulingkan di telur, kemudian di tepung panir/roti
- simpan di freezer minimal 1 jam
- Goreng atau bisa juga dipanggang selama 20 menit dengan suhu 175 derajat
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