Here is where I post links to recipes that I often used, so that I don't have to google it over and over again ;P
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Roti Sobek
300 gr tepung terigu protein tinggi
200 gr tepung terigu serbaguna
(aku pake 500 gr tepung terigu serbaguna = 3.5 cup terigu)
125 gr gula pasir --> 1/2 cup gula
2 sdm susu bubuk
185 ml air hangat
(aku langsung pake susu 185 ml)
1,5 bungkus ragi instant (1 bungkus = 11 gr ) --> 1 cake fresh yeast
1 sdt garam
2 butir telur ayam
75 gr margarin/butter
Cara membuat:
- hangatkan susu + 1 sdm gula pasir, kalau sudah suhu suam-suam kuku(jangan terlalu panas, nanti ragi mati), masukkan ragi/yeast, biarkan hingga berbuih, tanda raginya baik, kira-kira 5 menit
- dengan jari, hancur-hancurkan mentega/butter pada terigu sehingga berbutir-butir (ga usah halus halus gpp)
- campur telur, gula, garam, dan susu+ ragi di adonan terigu, aduk dengan spatula sampai semua tercampur rata,
tutup dengan plastik/lap basah, diamkan 10 menit
- buka plastik/lap basah, oleskan minyak di pinggir-pinggir baskom dan di tangan, uleni adonan di baskom selama 10 detik : angkat adonan, lipat setengah ke arah kita, tekan dengan pergelangan tangan, putar seperdelapan lingkaran, ulang 10 kali.
- tutup lagi adonan, tunggu 10 menit lagi,
- ulangi lagi uleni adonan selama 10 detik saja, tutup adonan tunggu 10 menit lagi
- ulenan terakhir minyaki alas untuk menguleni, tuang adonan, uleni selama sepuluh detik lagi, bulatkan adonan, minyaki lagi seluruh bagian baskom, kembalikan adonan ke baskom.
- Tutup adonan, kalau memakai plastik, minyaki plastiknya, tunggu sampai mengembang menjadi dua kali lipat(di resep: 30 menit, kalo saya, ditaruh di kulkas dibiarkan semalaman)
- bulatkan adonan menjadi 20 bagian kecil-kecil, biarkan sebentar, isi dengan 10 gram isian : i.e., 1/2 lembar keju slice atau 1 sdt kacang cincang + 1 sdt coklat cincang
- taruh di loyang dengan jarak 1-2 cm di antara adonan, tutup loyang, biarkan hingga mengembang (kata resep 15-30 menit)
- olesi permukaan dengan susu 1 sdm + telur dikocok
- panggang 15 menit pada suhu 150 derajat / sampe kecoklatan.
Sang bulatan-bulatan roti sobek sebelum dipanggang:
Roti sobek keju :
Roti sobek coklat :
Close up roti sobek keju nan empuk :P
Mie Ayam
mie ayam
Ini me-re-use ayam suwir kantin borju nih. Ditambahin pangsit, mi dan kuah, jadi deh mi ayam :D
The spread :
Of course the bag of chocochip cookies in the back is unrelated :P
Kuah :
- kaldu
- bawang putih cincang di tumis
- garam
- merica
- daun bawang
ayam :
- potongan ayam/daging giling
- jamur
- bawang putih
- kecap
- cabe
- kulit pangsit
- telur
- 2 sdm tapioka
- 1 klg tuna
- 1 wortel
Pelengkap :
Mie --> fresh pasta 250 grm, bisa untuk dua kali makan berdua
Pangsit :
- blender semua adonan isi, isikan 1 sdt di setiap lembar kulit pangsit, goreng
Ayam/daging jamur:
tumis bawang putih sampai wangi ( ambil 2 sdm minyak + bawang putih untuk kuah)
masukkan daging giling/ayam suwir dan jamur
masukkan kecap sampai hitam dan potongan cabe, garam dan merica, tumis hingga semua matang
kuah :
rebus kaldu, tambahkan tumisan bawang putih cincang, garam, dan merica, daun bawang, panaskan hingga mendidih
Sayur :
bersihkan selada, potong besar-besar, celupkan beberapa menit di kuah.
The result : yummmm =9
Ini me-re-use ayam suwir kantin borju nih. Ditambahin pangsit, mi dan kuah, jadi deh mi ayam :D
The spread :
Of course the bag of chocochip cookies in the back is unrelated :P
Kuah :
- kaldu
- bawang putih cincang di tumis
- garam
- merica
- daun bawang
ayam :
- potongan ayam/daging giling
- jamur
- bawang putih
- kecap
- cabe
- kulit pangsit
- telur
- 2 sdm tapioka
- 1 klg tuna
- 1 wortel
Pelengkap :
Mie --> fresh pasta 250 grm, bisa untuk dua kali makan berdua
Pangsit :
- blender semua adonan isi, isikan 1 sdt di setiap lembar kulit pangsit, goreng
Ayam/daging jamur:
tumis bawang putih sampai wangi ( ambil 2 sdm minyak + bawang putih untuk kuah)
masukkan daging giling/ayam suwir dan jamur
masukkan kecap sampai hitam dan potongan cabe, garam dan merica, tumis hingga semua matang
kuah :
rebus kaldu, tambahkan tumisan bawang putih cincang, garam, dan merica, daun bawang, panaskan hingga mendidih
Sayur :
bersihkan selada, potong besar-besar, celupkan beberapa menit di kuah.
The result : yummmm =9
Friday, December 3, 2010
bubur ayam + ayam suwir kantin borju wannabe
I caught a cold, and ... oh, boy, it felt terrible.
But this hot, savoury, comfort food sure could comfort me.
As you can see it's piping hot that even my lens got steamy. Why blurry u asked?
It was taken by one hungry and sick person of course, no complaining please :P
- 1/2 cup beras (cupnya 180 ml tapi :D ini porsi satu orang sakit)
- daging filet sepasang (berhubung adanya segitu dan beku, harusnya bisa dikurangi jadi sebelah pasang saja)
- bubuk bawang putih 1 sdt
- garam 2 sdt
- 1 sdt ketumbar bubuk
- 1/4 sdt kunyit bubuk
- 2 lbr daun jeruk
- (kalau ditambah serai kayanya enak nih)
ayam suwir kantin borju
- bawang putih 3 siung, geprek, cincang
- 1 cabe merah pedes banget
- kecap banyak banget
- merica 1/2 sdt
- garam 1 sdt peres
- 1 ltr air + filet beku + 1 sdt bubuk bawang putih dan 2 sdt garam direbus sampai filet kira2 bisa disuwir-suwir,
- pisahkan 1.5 cup kaldu di panci kecil
- angkat filet ke talenan
- tambahkan 3 cup air ke kaldu bekas filet, masukkan beras, aduk-aduk sesekali sampai menjadi bubur
sambil menunggu bubur :
- masak nasi di rice cooker untuk suami yang berfikir bubur cuma untuk makanan orang sakit
- dengan dua garpu, suwir-suwir fillet. Kalau tidak beruntung dan filetnya masih mentah di tengah, seperti saya kemaren, potong kecil-kecil sebisanya bagian yang mentah
- tumis bawang putih dengan minyak agak lebih banyak dari biasanya untuk menumis
- setelah harum, ambil 2 sdm minyak + bawang putih, masukkan di panci dengan 1.5 cup kaldu
- masukkan suwiran ayam ke tumisan bawang putih, tambahkan kecap sampai ayamnya coklaaaaat sekali, potongan kecil-kecil cabe, merica + garam, aduk aduk suwiran ayam sampai matang dan bumbu rata meresap
- supaya tidak kering tambakan kaldu sedikit-sedikit (kalau tidak salah total saya tambahkan 3/4 cup kaldu)
- sambil mengaduk-aduk ayam, rebus sisa kaldu dengan ketumbar, kunyit, dan daun jeruk (dan serai kalau ada)
Harusnya 3 kompor nyala bisa membantu menghangatkan ruang dan semua matang pada saat yang bersamaan :D
sajikan bubur + kuah + ayam
kalau masih punya tenaga, tambahkan potongan seledri dan bawang goreng di bubur
sang suami boleh makan nasi + ayam suwir kantin borju wannabe :D
But this hot, savoury, comfort food sure could comfort me.
As you can see it's piping hot that even my lens got steamy. Why blurry u asked?
It was taken by one hungry and sick person of course, no complaining please :P
- 1/2 cup beras (cupnya 180 ml tapi :D ini porsi satu orang sakit)
- daging filet sepasang (berhubung adanya segitu dan beku, harusnya bisa dikurangi jadi sebelah pasang saja)
- bubuk bawang putih 1 sdt
- garam 2 sdt
- 1 sdt ketumbar bubuk
- 1/4 sdt kunyit bubuk
- 2 lbr daun jeruk
- (kalau ditambah serai kayanya enak nih)
ayam suwir kantin borju
- bawang putih 3 siung, geprek, cincang
- 1 cabe merah pedes banget
- kecap banyak banget
- merica 1/2 sdt
- garam 1 sdt peres
- 1 ltr air + filet beku + 1 sdt bubuk bawang putih dan 2 sdt garam direbus sampai filet kira2 bisa disuwir-suwir,
- pisahkan 1.5 cup kaldu di panci kecil
- angkat filet ke talenan
- tambahkan 3 cup air ke kaldu bekas filet, masukkan beras, aduk-aduk sesekali sampai menjadi bubur
sambil menunggu bubur :
- masak nasi di rice cooker untuk suami yang berfikir bubur cuma untuk makanan orang sakit
- dengan dua garpu, suwir-suwir fillet. Kalau tidak beruntung dan filetnya masih mentah di tengah, seperti saya kemaren, potong kecil-kecil sebisanya bagian yang mentah
- tumis bawang putih dengan minyak agak lebih banyak dari biasanya untuk menumis
- setelah harum, ambil 2 sdm minyak + bawang putih, masukkan di panci dengan 1.5 cup kaldu
- masukkan suwiran ayam ke tumisan bawang putih, tambahkan kecap sampai ayamnya coklaaaaat sekali, potongan kecil-kecil cabe, merica + garam, aduk aduk suwiran ayam sampai matang dan bumbu rata meresap
- supaya tidak kering tambakan kaldu sedikit-sedikit (kalau tidak salah total saya tambahkan 3/4 cup kaldu)
- sambil mengaduk-aduk ayam, rebus sisa kaldu dengan ketumbar, kunyit, dan daun jeruk (dan serai kalau ada)
Harusnya 3 kompor nyala bisa membantu menghangatkan ruang dan semua matang pada saat yang bersamaan :D
sajikan bubur + kuah + ayam
kalau masih punya tenaga, tambahkan potongan seledri dan bawang goreng di bubur
sang suami boleh makan nasi + ayam suwir kantin borju wannabe :D
Jamur Kantin Borju
3 sdm tepung terigu
1 sdm maizena
2 sdm tepung beras
1.5 sdt bubuk bawang putih
3/4 sdt black pepper
1.5 sdt garam
1/2 sdt bubuk cabe
1 telur
350 grm jamur champignon,
- handful of spring onions
- 2 bird eye chilies
- 2 tsp sugar
- bersihkan jamur dan potong tipis-tipis
- kocok telur + semua bumbu bubuk, masukkan potongan jamur, aduk-aduk sampai rata
- tambahkan tepung terigu, maizena dan tepung beras, aduk sampai rata, tambahkan air sedikit sekedar agar tidak terlalu kering. Jangan terlalu banyak, nanti jadi bala-bala jamur :D
- panaskan minyak, ambil segenggam jamur bertepung, tabur-taburkan di minyak. Kalau sabar, sehelai demi sehelai, kalau tidak, pisah-pisahkan dengan sendok kayu di minyak setelah ditaburkan agar tidak terlalu menggumpal-gumpal. angkat dan tiriskan setelah kecoklatan. Lakukan sampai jamur habis.
- tumis daun bawang dan cabai sampai daun bawang agak layu dan wangi, masukkan jamur goreng, tumis, masukkan gula.
Jamur goreng, yummmm =9
The steamy, blurry result xP
1 sdm maizena
2 sdm tepung beras
1.5 sdt bubuk bawang putih
3/4 sdt black pepper
1.5 sdt garam
1/2 sdt bubuk cabe
1 telur
350 grm jamur champignon,
- handful of spring onions
- 2 bird eye chilies
- 2 tsp sugar
- bersihkan jamur dan potong tipis-tipis
- kocok telur + semua bumbu bubuk, masukkan potongan jamur, aduk-aduk sampai rata
- tambahkan tepung terigu, maizena dan tepung beras, aduk sampai rata, tambahkan air sedikit sekedar agar tidak terlalu kering. Jangan terlalu banyak, nanti jadi bala-bala jamur :D
- panaskan minyak, ambil segenggam jamur bertepung, tabur-taburkan di minyak. Kalau sabar, sehelai demi sehelai, kalau tidak, pisah-pisahkan dengan sendok kayu di minyak setelah ditaburkan agar tidak terlalu menggumpal-gumpal. angkat dan tiriskan setelah kecoklatan. Lakukan sampai jamur habis.
- tumis daun bawang dan cabai sampai daun bawang agak layu dan wangi, masukkan jamur goreng, tumis, masukkan gula.
Jamur goreng, yummmm =9
The steamy, blurry result xP
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Best Burger Bun with no sweating kneading!
Ingredients :
6 tbsp milk + 1 cup water - 3 tbsp water, hehehe
1 cake of fresh yeast
2.5 tbsp sugar
1 egg- L size
3 cups bread flour
1/3 cup whole wheat flour/all purpose flour
1.5 tsp salt
37.5 gr butter
- heat milk + water, place the butter on a spoon over the milk pot
so it gets softened.
- stir in sugar, and when it's warm enough, crumble the yeast over
it. leave it, it should produces some foam over it from the
- beat 1 egg
- in a bowl, whisk flour + salt, add butter and rub into flour
between your fingers, making crumbs.
- pour yeast mixture, beaten egg, stir with rubber spatula until a
dough is formed
- cover the bowl with plastic wrap for 10 minutes
- oil the sides of the bowl and both your hands.
Knead the dough:
scoop up, fold into your direction, press it with your palm, turn it 1/8 circle, repeat. Dan Lepard said to do this for 8- 10 times, in 8-10 seconds total. I am not confident of my kneading skill, so I did this 20 times :D
- cover the bowl, repeat above step: waiting 10 mins, then kneading in the bowl.
- cover the bowl again for 10 mins, now the dough should not be very wet and sticky, so I like to do the last kneading on a flat surface.
Oil the kneading surface, around 30cm diameters, and oil your hands, scoop the dough from the bowl onto the surface, and do the kneading.
- return the dough to the bowl in rounded, smooth form. oil the plastic wrap covering it, make sure the bowl sides are oiled too.
Leave it until it rises and doubles in size.
I like doing cool rise: leave the dough in the fridge, you can leave it from 2 up to 24 hours. I left it overnight on my fridge.
- (In the morning) Take it out, punch it down with few quick bangs. Prepare 2 parchment papers on the size of the oven tray, I like to put my elastic cutting board below them so it would be easy to transfer them around.
Divide the dough into 8, 4 for each paper. Round each dough into a pressed ball, leave some distances between each. Cover each trays with oiled plastic wraps. Leave them until it doubles in size again.
I could leave it for almost 11 hours on winter in my living room and it was ok :D
- preheat the oven to 200 C. Set a pan for water in the bottom shelf of oven, pour boiled water in it. Brush the breads with beaten egg+1 tbsp milk, sprinkle sesame seeds on top of them. Bake each tray for 15 mins. After 10 mins, turn the tray around to balance the heat between the front and the back. Don't forget to check that the water in the pan is still exist :D
- Take them out when they are golden brown with dark brown patches here and there :D flip them over to air the bottom, or put them in rack to cool both the upper and bottom part.
sources : smitten kitchen
dan lepard kneading
bread rising technique
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Gehu - Toge tahu goreng
- Tahu, potong tipis2, rendam dalam air + bawang putih cincang + garam
- Tauge, 1 kaleng kecil
- Wortel, diserut, 1 genggam serutan
- 1/2 sdt garam
- a pinch lengkuas bubuk
- 2 daun salam
Bahan tepung
- 3/4 cup tepung terigu, 1/4 cup tepung beras
- 3/4 cup air
- 1/2 sdt garam
- 1/2 sdt ketumbar
- 1/2 sdt bawang putih bubuk
- 1/2 sdt merica
- 1 telur
Tumis bahan isi, aduk semua bahan tepung,
Ambil satu potong tahu, taruh sedikit bahan isi diatasnya, dengan garpu, angkat tahu dan isinya, celupkan di bahan tepung, goreng =D
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Bubur kacang hijau
Resepnya dapet dari sini
Bikinnya 1/2 resep aja udah lebih dari cukup buat sarapan + cemilan berdua.
Daku sukanya tapi bubur kacang hijau yg tipe kental gitu, dan santennya dipisahin, jadi gulanya dikurangin banyak.
Di bawah ini udah ukuran 1/2 resep dan dikurangi gulanya:
150 gr kacang hijau --> 3/4 cup kacang hijau
1.5 ltr air
1/2 cup gula jawa/gula merah --> daku pakenya brown sugar/zucchero di canna berhubung adanya itu hehe
1 sdt garam
2 lbr daun pandan
250 ml santan kental. --> + susu sesukanya, biar kuahnya banyak hehehe
Cara membuatnya:
- cuci bersih kacang hijau, buang yang mengapung. Rebus bersama air sampai kental (yah, sekitar berjam-jam lah xD)
- Kalau sudah lumayan kental, masukkan gula, aduk-aduk
- Masak santan kental (+ susu) + garam sampai mendidih, aduk-aduk biar ngga pecah
Devil's food + best ever frosting
Kue ini dibuat pas ultah mbak Nova + perpisahan mbak Nova sekeluarga, + lulusan mbak Ida + lulusan mas Luthfi. Hihihi, banyak ya.
Resep devil's food cakenya dapet dari sini
Trus resep frostingnya dari sini
Resep cakenya dibuat 2/3nya aja (Ukuran yg kutambahin), udah menuh-menuhin cetakannya banget.
Kalo mau dua kali bikin, bikin setengah resep setengah resep.
Yang harus hati-hati itu pas masukin cairan coklat
Frostingnya harus hati-hati pas ngaduk manasin terigu + susunya ga usah ampe lama-lama + kental banget, ntar jadi bener-bener keras soalnya :D (pengalaman gagal xP)
1 1/2 cups (3 sticks) unsalted butter, plus more for pans --> 1 cup --> 337.5
3/4 cup Dutch-process cocoa powder, plus more for pans ->1/2 cup
1/2 cup boiling water -> 1/3 cup
2 1/4 cups sugar -> 1.5
1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract-> 2/3 tbsp
4 large eggs, lightly beaten-> 2,6 eggs?
3 cups sifted cake flour(not self-rising) * -> 2 cup
1 teaspoon baking soda -> 2/3 tsp
1/2 teaspoon salt -> 1/3 tsp salt
1 cup milk -> 2/3 cup milk
1. Heat oven to 350°; arrange two racks in center of oven. Butter three 8-by-2-inch round cake pans; line bottoms with parchment. Dust bottoms and sides of pans with cocoa powder; tap out any excess. Sift cocoa into a medium bowl, and whisk in 1/2 cup boiling water. Set aside to cool. --> Don't do the contrary, i.e. sifting the cocoa powder onto the water. It will be hard mixing this, whisk it with all your might :D
2. In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, cream butter on low speed until light and fluffy. Gradually beat in sugar until light and fluffy, 3 to 4 minutes, scraping down sides twice. Beat in vanilla. Drizzle in eggs, a little at a time, beating between each addition until the batter is no longer slick, scraping down the sides twice.
3. In a large bowl, sift together flour, baking soda, and salt. Whisk milk into reserved cocoa mixture. With mixer on low speed, alternately add flour and cocoa mixtures to the batter, a little of each at a time, starting and ending with flour mixture.--> be careful for chocolate splatters everywhere when you are pouring the chocolate mixtures.
4. Divide batter evenly among the three prepared pans. Bake until a cake tester inserted into center of each layer comes out clean, 35 to 45 minutes, rotating the pans for even baking. Transfer layers to wire racks; let cool, 15 minutes. Turn out cakes, and return to racks, tops up, until completely cool.
5. Remove parchment from bottoms of cakes. Reserve the prettiest layer for the top. Place one cake layer on a serving platter; spread 1 1/2 cups chocolate frosting over the top. Add the second cake layer, and spread with another 1 1/2 cups frosting. Top with third cake layer. Cover outside of cake with the remaining 3 cups frosting. Serve.
Strawberries Cupcake
Resep dapet dari sini.
Beneran sukses, loh, cupcakenya, enak dan empuk.
Kalo J sih lebih suka bagian atasnya yg kering kepanggang.
Jadi biasanya kerjasama, bagian bawah buat gw, yg atas buat J :P
Strawberry Cupcakes
1/2 cup sugar -> dikurangin dikit
1/4 cup (1/2 stick) unsalted butter --> 62.5 gr, 1/8 dari butter ukuran 500gr hihihi
1 large egg -> adanya yg medium kemaren, tp gpp
6 ounces Dannon® All Natural Vanilla Lowfat Yogurt (or any other fruit flavor of yogurt) --> 1-1/2 cup kecil yoghurt @ 125 ml (kemaren adanya yg yoghurt intero ga berasa apa2)
1 tsp. vanilla extract -> ga pake
1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
1 1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. kosher salt -> garem biasa
1/4 tsp. baking soda
1/2 cup fresh strawberries, diced -> sekitar 5-6 biji
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line a muffin tin with paper liners. With an electric hand mixer, beat the sugar and butter until light and fluffy. Add the egg, Dannon® All Natural Vanilla Lowfat Yogurt and vanilla, blending until smooth. --> ga bisa smooth banget sih, cair2 ada yg misah2 gitu yoghurtnya
2. Measure the dry ingredients into the bowl and blend, then fold in the strawberries. -> dimixer sebentar aja, adonannya nanti jadinya kental, lengket-lengket, berudara, hahaha kebayang ga? hampir mirip kaya adonan roti tapi ga seberat adonan roti.
3. Divide the mixture equally between the 12 paper-lined cupcake cups. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until cake tester comes out clean.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Super easy and fool-proof recipe for a quick breakfast for two
- 1 cup all purpose flour
- 2 tsp baking powder
- 1 tbsp sugar (I like it heaped)
- a pinch of salt
- 1/8 cup vegetable oil/melted butter
- milk, add to the vegetable oil/melted butter up to 3/4 cup
- 1 egg
1. Mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl
2. Beat the egg, add the vegetable oil/butter+milk mix, beat further
3. Pour the egg+ milk + oil/butter mix into the flour, mix the batter using whisk until you have smooth batter.
4. Heat the pan, oil it with some butter, make the pancake in the size you prefer.
Serve them hot with freshly whipped cream and some tangy fruits.
Additionally, chocolate chips or fruits can also be mixed in the batter. Mix them with the dry ingredient in the first step.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Fresh cream lemon cake
So, I found a cup of almost-expired fresh cream in my fridge and lots of uneaten oranges,
and, voilà, this cake is made xP
It's soft, and the lemon hint in the taste and smell of the cake really give this cake some freshness. Best eaten warm! =D
The recipe called for sugar powders on top of it,
but who needs it when we have fresh whipped cream instead? =9
Recipe as taken from here :
4 ounces (1 stick) unsalted butter, melted, plus more for greasing the pan
--> 113 grm
10 ounces cake flour --> 2 cup, 14/8 cup + 4 tbsp
1 teaspoon baking powder
½ teaspoon baking soda
Grated zest of 1 lemon
5 large eggs, at room temperature --> 6 medium eggs
11 ounces sugar --> 311 gram --> 1-1/3 cup
¾ cup crème fraîche, at room temperature
½ cup freshly squeezed lemon juice --> juice from 2 oranges, 1 lemon
Powdered sugar, for dusting
Preheat the oven to 350ºF. Butter a 9×3-inch round cake pan, line the bottom of the pan with parchment paper, and butter the parchment. Sift together the flour, baking powder, and baking soda. Stir the lemon zest into the flour mixture.
In a mixer fitted with a whip attachment, mix the eggs and sugar on high for 4 to 5 minutes, or until light and fluffy and doubled in volume. Add the crème fraîche and mix on low until just combined. Add 1/3 of the flour mixture, then the butter, then 1/3 of the flour mixture, then the lemon juice, and then the remaining 1/3 of the flour mixture, mixing on low for only a few seconds after each addition until just combined, and stopping the mixer once or twice to scrape down the sides of the bowl. Do not overmix. Transfer to the cake pan and spread evenly. Bake for 55 to 60 minutes, or until the edges of the cake start to shrink away from the pan and a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Let the cake cool in the pan for about 10 minutes. Invert onto a cooling rack and finish cooling completely. Dust with plenty of powdered sugar, cut into portions, and serve.
and, voilà, this cake is made xP
It's soft, and the lemon hint in the taste and smell of the cake really give this cake some freshness. Best eaten warm! =D
The recipe called for sugar powders on top of it,
but who needs it when we have fresh whipped cream instead? =9
Recipe as taken from here :
4 ounces (1 stick) unsalted butter, melted, plus more for greasing the pan
--> 113 grm
10 ounces cake flour --> 2 cup, 14/8 cup + 4 tbsp
1 teaspoon baking powder
½ teaspoon baking soda
Grated zest of 1 lemon
5 large eggs, at room temperature --> 6 medium eggs
11 ounces sugar --> 311 gram --> 1-1/3 cup
¾ cup crème fraîche, at room temperature
½ cup freshly squeezed lemon juice --> juice from 2 oranges, 1 lemon
Powdered sugar, for dusting
Preheat the oven to 350ºF. Butter a 9×3-inch round cake pan, line the bottom of the pan with parchment paper, and butter the parchment. Sift together the flour, baking powder, and baking soda. Stir the lemon zest into the flour mixture.
In a mixer fitted with a whip attachment, mix the eggs and sugar on high for 4 to 5 minutes, or until light and fluffy and doubled in volume. Add the crème fraîche and mix on low until just combined. Add 1/3 of the flour mixture, then the butter, then 1/3 of the flour mixture, then the lemon juice, and then the remaining 1/3 of the flour mixture, mixing on low for only a few seconds after each addition until just combined, and stopping the mixer once or twice to scrape down the sides of the bowl. Do not overmix. Transfer to the cake pan and spread evenly. Bake for 55 to 60 minutes, or until the edges of the cake start to shrink away from the pan and a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Let the cake cool in the pan for about 10 minutes. Invert onto a cooling rack and finish cooling completely. Dust with plenty of powdered sugar, cut into portions, and serve.
J's cake of choice
J request cake yg bukan coklat, empuk, berlapis pake buttercream coklat yg biasanya buat dobos torte :D
Setelah beliaunya browsing-browsing ketemu resep layer cake ini. Jadi dibuatlah si cake request J ini.
My not-so-neat finishing touch of the cake frosting ^^
A slice of soft, yummy cake with thick frosting =9
The remaining cake with evident proof of failed upper layer cake xD
So, this cake is supposed to serve up to 20 people, hahaha.
I baked it in 2 batches, with the second batch kept in the fridge before baking.
aaanndd, that wasn't a smart move :D
See, the butter was heated along with milk as to ensure it stays liquid and mixed well with the batter. And of course keeping the batter in the fridge cooled off the butter and successfully separating it from the rest of the batter :D
Hence the failure in the upper layer cake xP
Copy paste dulu, ntar dirapiin resepnya:
* 1 3/4 cup(s) cake flour
* 2 teaspoon(s) baking powder
* 1 cup milk
* 2 tablespoons unsalted butter --> 30 gr
* 4 large eggs --> 5 medium
* 2 cup(s) granulated sugar (1-1/2 cup for me)
* 1/2 teaspoon(s) salt
* 2 teaspoon(s) vanilla extract --> 1 sachet of vanilla powder
1. Make the cake: Heat oven to 350 degrees F. Butter the bottom of a 9-inch by 13-inch baking pan. Fit parchment paper into the bottom of the pan, butter the parchment and pan sides and dust with flour. Set aside. Sift the flour and baking powder together and set aside.
2. Heat 1 cup of milk just to a boil. Stir in 2 tablespoons butter and keep hot. Beat eggs in a large bowl using a mixer set on high speed until they become foamy. Add the granulated sugar, salt, and 2 teaspoons vanilla and beat until batter doubles in volume and becomes very thick and pale -- about 5 minutes.
3. Reduce mixer speed to low and add the hot milk and butter. Add the flour mixture, in 1/4 cupfuls, scraping sides occasionally. Pour the batter into the prepared pan and bake until a wooden skewer inserted into the middle of the cake comes out clean -- 25 to 30 minutes. Let cool for 15 minutes on a wire rack. Release the cake and cool completely.
Chocolate Buttercream
* 4 large eggs, at room temperature --> 5 medium
* 1 cup (200g) caster (ultrafine or superfine white) sugar --> 3/4 cup
* 4oz (110g) bakers chocolate or your favourite dark chocolate, finely chopped
* 2 sticks plus 2 tablespoons (250g) unsalted butter, at room temperature.
Directions for the chocolate buttercream:
NB. This can be prepared in advance and kept chilled until required.
1.Prepare a double-boiler: quarter-fill a large saucepan with water and bring it to a boil.
2.Meanwhile, whisk the eggs with the sugar until pale and thickened, about five minutes. You can use a balloon whisk or electric hand mixer for this.
3.Fit bowl over the boiling water in the saucepan (water should not touch bowl) and lower the heat to a brisk simmer. Cook the egg mixture, whisking constantly, for 2-3 minutes until you see it starting to thicken a bit. Whisk in the finely chopped chocolate and cook, stirring, for a further 2-3 minutes.
4.Scrape the chocolate mixture into a medium bowl and leave to cool to room temperature. It should be quite thick and sticky in consistency.
5.When cool, beat in the soft butter, a small piece (about 2 tablespoons/30g) at a time. An electric hand mixer is great here, but it is possible to beat the butter in with a spatula if it is soft enough. You should end up with a thick, velvety chocolate buttercream. Chill while you make the caramel topping.
Setelah beliaunya browsing-browsing ketemu resep layer cake ini. Jadi dibuatlah si cake request J ini.
My not-so-neat finishing touch of the cake frosting ^^
A slice of soft, yummy cake with thick frosting =9
The remaining cake with evident proof of failed upper layer cake xD
So, this cake is supposed to serve up to 20 people, hahaha.
I baked it in 2 batches, with the second batch kept in the fridge before baking.
aaanndd, that wasn't a smart move :D
See, the butter was heated along with milk as to ensure it stays liquid and mixed well with the batter. And of course keeping the batter in the fridge cooled off the butter and successfully separating it from the rest of the batter :D
Hence the failure in the upper layer cake xP
Copy paste dulu, ntar dirapiin resepnya:
* 1 3/4 cup(s) cake flour
* 2 teaspoon(s) baking powder
* 1 cup milk
* 2 tablespoons unsalted butter --> 30 gr
* 4 large eggs --> 5 medium
* 2 cup(s) granulated sugar (1-1/2 cup for me)
* 1/2 teaspoon(s) salt
* 2 teaspoon(s) vanilla extract --> 1 sachet of vanilla powder
1. Make the cake: Heat oven to 350 degrees F. Butter the bottom of a 9-inch by 13-inch baking pan. Fit parchment paper into the bottom of the pan, butter the parchment and pan sides and dust with flour. Set aside. Sift the flour and baking powder together and set aside.
2. Heat 1 cup of milk just to a boil. Stir in 2 tablespoons butter and keep hot. Beat eggs in a large bowl using a mixer set on high speed until they become foamy. Add the granulated sugar, salt, and 2 teaspoons vanilla and beat until batter doubles in volume and becomes very thick and pale -- about 5 minutes.
3. Reduce mixer speed to low and add the hot milk and butter. Add the flour mixture, in 1/4 cupfuls, scraping sides occasionally. Pour the batter into the prepared pan and bake until a wooden skewer inserted into the middle of the cake comes out clean -- 25 to 30 minutes. Let cool for 15 minutes on a wire rack. Release the cake and cool completely.
Chocolate Buttercream
* 4 large eggs, at room temperature --> 5 medium
* 1 cup (200g) caster (ultrafine or superfine white) sugar --> 3/4 cup
* 4oz (110g) bakers chocolate or your favourite dark chocolate, finely chopped
* 2 sticks plus 2 tablespoons (250g) unsalted butter, at room temperature.
Directions for the chocolate buttercream:
NB. This can be prepared in advance and kept chilled until required.
1.Prepare a double-boiler: quarter-fill a large saucepan with water and bring it to a boil.
2.Meanwhile, whisk the eggs with the sugar until pale and thickened, about five minutes. You can use a balloon whisk or electric hand mixer for this.
3.Fit bowl over the boiling water in the saucepan (water should not touch bowl) and lower the heat to a brisk simmer. Cook the egg mixture, whisking constantly, for 2-3 minutes until you see it starting to thicken a bit. Whisk in the finely chopped chocolate and cook, stirring, for a further 2-3 minutes.
4.Scrape the chocolate mixture into a medium bowl and leave to cool to room temperature. It should be quite thick and sticky in consistency.
5.When cool, beat in the soft butter, a small piece (about 2 tablespoons/30g) at a time. An electric hand mixer is great here, but it is possible to beat the butter in with a spatula if it is soft enough. You should end up with a thick, velvety chocolate buttercream. Chill while you make the caramel topping.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Apple pie
3-4 apples
50gr raisins (or per taste)
5 tbsp sugar (heaped)
2 tbsp flours (shifted)
1-1/2 pie crust recipe
50gr raisins (or per taste)
5 tbsp sugar (heaped)
2 tbsp flours (shifted)
1-1/2 pie crust recipe
Monday, January 25, 2010
Ultah Gia
Ini di dalemnya 4 layer black forest cake, dibuat dari 1-1/4 resep aslinya.
Berhubung keterbatasan mixer dan mangkok, adonannya dibuat setengah, dipanggang 180 derajat selama 20 menit, sambil buat 1/2 adonan berikutnya.
Masing-masing lalu dibagi dua.
sumber :
- 10 telur ukuran M
- 125 gr terigu (--> 1 cup dikurangi 1.5 sdm)
- 50 gr maizena (--> 5 sdm maizena)
- 75 gr coklat bubuk (1 pak kecil coklat bubuk perugina)
- 1-1/4 sdm TBM
- 125 gr butter, lelehkan
- 225 gr gula --> 1 cup dikurangi dikit
1 kaleng prunes, saring simpan airnya, potong2 prunes
800 ml whipped cream
Pas ngaduk ayakan terigu, harus pelan-pelan diaduk balik. Tambahkan ayakan tiap setiap adukan balik terlihat rapi :D
Sempat dicoba terigu + mentega ganti2an, tapi gagal :D
Jadi lebih baik, terigu dulu, baru mentega cair.
Ultah Kuingkuingku
Kali ini bikin dobos torte lagi =D
Seperti sebelumnya, buttercreamnya dibuat sehari sebelumnya.
Choco buttercream (untuk kue kuingkuingku, daku bikin 1.5 resep ini)
- 3/4 cup gula
- 110 grm dcc
- 4 telur ukuran L (atau 2 ukuran XL dan 2 ukuran M xP)
- 250 grm butter, suhu ruang, yg udah ngga melawan kalo dipotong pake pisau. Kalo masih ada resistansinya, potong-potong kecil, masukin ke microwave ukuran med low/ low (buat defrost) selama 10 detikan gitu.
Setelah jadi masukin kulkas, keluarkan dari kulkas beberapa jam sebelum kue akan dihias karena mencairnya lama :D
Cake layers
- 6 telur ukuran L suhu ruangan, pisahin putih dan kuningnya (daku pake 3 ukuran XL dan 3 ukuran M :D)
- 1 cup gula halus, bagi dua
- vanila extract (1 sdt yg kering, 1 ampul yg cair --> 2 ml)
- 1 cup + 2 sdm cake flour diayak (ngukurnya setelah diayak) atau 95 grm terigu + 17 grm maizena (--> 3/4 cup terigu dikurangi 1 sdm + 1.5 sdm peres maizena)
- 1/4 sdt garam
Sate ayam
1 Ayam, ambil bagian dagingnya sebisa mungkin, potong kecil2, pisahkan kulitnya
3- 4 siung bawang putih, dikeprek, potong kecil-kecil
1 sdm air jeruk
4 sdm kecap
minyak ayam : kulit ayam dipanaskan di panci kecil dengan api paling kecil sampai minyaknya keluar
- Marinate potongan ayam selama beberapa jam
- rendam tusuk bambu di air
- setelah saat mau dimakan, tusuk-tusuk potongan ayam
- panggang di oven dengan suhu 200 derajat + fan, sambil dioles-oles sisa bumbu + kecap :D
sumber :